Boost Your Boutique Sales: A Consignment Store’s Guide to Summer Event Success

Ricochet consignment software summer sale planning

Summer is a prime time for consignment stores to capitalize on major holidays and seasonal shifts. Whether you’re planning a back-to-school blowout or a Labor Day sale, a well-executed event can drive significant revenue and attract new customers.  Running a consignment store is already a juggling act, and adding summer events to the mix can feel all-consuming. To help you avoid burnout and achieve your sales goals, we’ve put together a guide to streamlined event planning.

1. Preparation: Lay the Groundwork for Success

  • Set Clear Goals: Before you start planning, define your objectives. Are you aiming to clear out inventory, boost revenue, or attract new clientele? Establishing concrete goals will guide your entire event strategy.
  • Choose the Right Event Type: Consider your target audience and goals when selecting your event format. Will it be an in-store sale, an online flash sale, or a combination of both? With 75% of marketers agreeing that live events are valuable brand assets, an in-store or hybrid event can be a powerful tool. But don’t discount the potential of online events, especially if your goal is broader reach. Ricochet webstore users can create unique online collections for sa
  • Inventory Management: Ensure you have enough stock of sale items to meet demand, and organize your inventory for easy access during the event. Utilize your POS and inventory control software to streamline this process.
  • Staffing: Schedule adequate staff to handle increased customer traffic, answer questions, and ensure a smooth checkout process. Remember, the average shopper makes three unplanned purchases in four out of 10 stores, so be prepared for impulse buys!

2. Promotion: Build Excitement and Anticipation

  • Multi-Channel Marketing: Utilize a variety of platforms to reach your audience. This includes email marketing (which can generate a staggering 4400% ROI), social media advertising (with a 14% increase in purchase intent), and in-store signage.
  • Consistent Branding: Maintain a cohesive look and feel across all promotional materials. Use tools like Canva or Photoshop Express to create eye-catching graphics and ensure your branding is consistent across platforms.
  • Start Early: Begin promoting your event 3-4 weeks in advance with in-store displays and 2-3 weeks out on social media. This builds anticipation and gives customers time to plan their visit.
  • Track Interest: Use social media polls, Facebook event pages, and engagement metrics to gauge interest and adjust your promotion strategy as needed.

3. Execution: The Day(s) of the Event

  • Create an Inviting Atmosphere: Decorate your store, play upbeat music, and offer refreshments to enhance the shopping experience. Remember, 91% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after attending an experiential retail event, so make it memorable!
  • Highlight Sale Items: Use clear signage and strategically place sale items throughout the store to attract attention.
  • Offer Incentives: Consider additional discounts for early birds, loyalty program members, or those who RSVP to your event online.
  • Capture the Moment: Assign a staff member to take photos and videos of the event for later use in social media and marketing materials.

4. Post-Event: Sustain the Momentum

  • Thank Your Customers: Send a follow-up email or social media post to thank attendees and share highlights from the event.
  • Analyze Results: Review your sales data and customer feedback to evaluate the event’s success and identify areas for improvement.
  • Keep in Touch: Continue to engage with new customers through email newsletters, social media, and personalized promotions to encourage repeat business.

By following these tips and leveraging the power of Ricochet POS, you can ensure that your summer sales events are a resounding success. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your revenue, attract new customers, and build lasting relationships with your community.

Did you know?

Ricochet allows you to create discounts that automatically get applied during a sale? Check out the tutorial video below to learn more!