New Features: More Tenders and Advanced Cash Options

digital illustration of money being handed off

Ricochet will be releasing two new features next week! These features will include additional tender types available on the POS screen, as well as an advanced cash feature which will streamline making change for cash sales.  These features will be released next week, but check out the tutorial and blog below to learn more!

Additional Tender Types

The More button will be available on the POS screen, and when clicked will display Venmo, Paypal, or Other.  These tender types can now be applied to all sales! It is important to note that these tender types are not integrated with your Paypal or Venmo accounts, they will just allow you to note that you accepted payment through those services.  You will still need to accept payment through the apps themselves.

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Advanced Cash Options

The second update will allow making change for cash sales a much easier process.  The Advanced Cash module will appear once you have clicked the cash tender type.  Here you will see a number pad to manually add the amount, but there are also buttons for each bill type, as well as three hotkeys.  This feature will cut down on the amount of time spent adding the cash total to make change for customers.

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This feature won’t be available by default, to activate it go to Preferences – Admin – then toggle on Advanced Cash Features.

Ricochet consignment software - cash